I am a good listener- another gift of Elizabeth



And I have some aches and pains from it and from…. getting older.

No big deal…. until it was

And it was called a stress fracture in my back. It made me so upset too and I kind of have an idea how it happened but suffice it to say that the resulting events and discomfort have led me to get some physical therapy (PT) for this stupid back.

I started off meeting this really great PT. He talked about my history, lifestyle, pain scale etc.

He then worked with me to see what exercises and stretches he wanted me to do.

He printed them out and I took them home.

And I did them.


And I went back the next week for my appointment and as I was waiting, I could very easily overhear the conversation my PT was having with his current patient. (It is an open room set up) And it involved the patient answering a big NO to the question of “Did you do the exercises?”, “Did you try to life things the way I showed you?” “Did you try the new stretches?”

So basically, nothing was done from this patient.

When I went in for my appointment, I swear he almost teared up when I said YES to everything and the fact that I followed it to the letter made him smile and say something like This is something I don’t get to hear often, it really makes me happy to know you are hearing me.

Keeping in mind, he doesn’t know me well or my history, I told him about my daugher Elizabeth.

I told him what her special needs are: Global dyspraxia and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)

I told him about where she is now and where she started.

I told him how I learned from her just how important follow up work is at home.

I told him that I learned to listen to those helping us because they are sharing their gifts and knowledge to help. her.

I told him that I learned I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS NEXT but that I will follow the instructions given.

I told her that without all these beautiful people in her life, she would not be where she is now.

I told him I am a good listener now because of Elizabeth.

It is another one of the gifts of Elizabeth..

You might be surprised when you find yourself doing something in a certain way or being that touch more organized than the next person and realize why.

Our beautiful children bring so much to our days and so many gifts.

Just wanted to share.

I wish everyone a peaceful week,

Michele Gianetti author of Elizabeth Believes in Herself

I work out.


And I have some aches and pains from it and from…. getting older.

No big deal…. until it was

And it was called a stress fracture in my back. It made me so upset too and I kind of have an idea how it happened but suffice it to say that the resulting events and discomfort have led me to get some physical therapy (PT) for this stupid back.

I started off meeting this really great PT. He talked about my history, lifestyle, pain scale etc.

He then worked with me to see what exercises and stretches he wanted me to do.

He printed them out and I took them home.

And I did them.


And I went back the next week for my appointment and as I was waiting, I could very easily overhear the conversation my PT was having with his current patient. (It is an open room set up) And it involved the patient answering a big NO to the question of “Did you do the exercises?”, “Did you try to life things the way I showed you?” “Did you try the new stretches?”

So basically, nothing was done from this patient.

When I went in for my appointment, I swear he almost teared up when I said YES to everything and the fact that I followed it to the letter made him smile and say something like This is something I don’t get to hear often, it really makes me happy to know you are hearing me.

Keeping in mind, he doesn’t know me well or my history, I told him about my daugher Elizabeth.

I told him what her special needs are: Global dyspraxia and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)

I told him about where she is now and where she started.

I told him how I learned from her just how important follow up work is at home.

I told him that I learned to listen to those helping us because they are sharing their gifts and knowledge to help. her.

I told him that I learned I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS NEXT but that I will follow the instructions given.

I told her that without all these beautiful people in her life, she would not be where she is now.

I told him I am a good listener now because of Elizabeth.

It is another one of the gifts of Elizabeth..

You might be surprised when you find yourself doing something in a certain way or being that touch more organized than the next person and realize why.

Our beautiful children bring so much to our days and so many gifts.

Just wanted to share.

I wish everyone a peaceful week,

Michele Gianetti author of Elizabeth Believes in Herself


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