Why Explaining Your Child MUST Continue All Year Long!


We are working our way into another conference night…the last one of the year. It is a big one because what is talked about here and how the goals are being met sort of set the stage for the IEP meeting and goals for the following school year. So, any concerns you have, goals you wish were achieved or changes you desire are all points to cover.

The way that the school calendar works, in my opinion, is that by the time you get to February, the year is pretty much done. This is in terms of big changes that you might request for your child. Such as testing to be done, an IEP meeting to review and implement changes.


Because this all takes time. Time to fill out the paperwork, to wait for the testing to start, time for the tests to be fully completed and then the time to schedule and attend the meeting to discuss the results, THEN the implementing begins.

For an IEP meeting? This takes time to schedule, plan for, attend, make changes, approve changes and then implement.

Now add in Spring break, and the fact that schools end somewhere in late May to early June and you can see that any REAL changes may not take root until the following year.

This doesn’t mean those changes are not requested or that you don’t ask for those meeting. NO! You absolutely do. But with the understanding of how it all may play out.

But in the interim time, the advocacy you do for your child will make the difference in the way the rest of the year will look for your child and their goals.

This is why explaining, talking, explaining and repeat…is okay to do.

Often. (And don’t feel bad doing it)

I have learned on this journey with Elizabeth.

It is just like sharing their IEP narrative, if you have one, except you are doing it verbally. ( and okay, sometimes, I give some written things too!)

Explain and talk!

For me,

1.I would explain Elizabeth again. Disorders, how they affect her and her day…all of it again.

2.How she is doing in our opinion this year. What do we really see at home or with emotions she is having from a tough school day.

3.What might need changed in school. Maybe she needs more transition time maybe a buddy to help her

4.What may be too challenging or not challenging enough. In terms of actual goals or just events in the day. Maybe gym is too challenging or maybe they aren’t including her enough.

5.What I can do at home to help both Elizabeth and the school advance her success. It helps the school so know you are part of the team and that indeed it is a TEAM effort

6. Her disorders in detail and how they are being affected by the school year stress. Not always will they know how disorders will affect our children because they may not have had them all year before.

The important thing is to have them understand your child..fully at the beginning, middle and end of the year.

And to know they can come to you with any questions or concerns right away.

It feels good to fully represent your child and who they are AND it really is critical to keep explaining.

Maybe you will be waiting for testing or changes on an IEP but there are things that we can do to help our children maximize their school day all to help them grow and achieve to the best of their abilities.

I wish everyone a peaceful week.


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